[OE-core] Policy for 'Pending' patches (was Re: [PATCH 02/16] slang: Fix namespace conflict vis-a-vis posix_close)

akuster808 akuster808 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 15:37:55 UTC 2015

On 09/10/2015 05:08 AM, Alexander Kanavin wrote:
> On 09/10/2015 02:50 PM, Trevor Woerner wrote:
>>> Then we can formulate a policy on top of that: for example, if a patch
>>> has been 'Pending' for 3 months, the person who added it gets a
>>> reminder to update the status; if the patch has been 'Pending' for 6
>>> months and the patch person has been unresponsive, no more patches are
>>> accepted from that person until he does the upstreaming of the ones he
>>> already got into oe-core. Something like that.
>> With so many maintainers on so many different layers/etc we would need
>> some sort of billboard somewhere listing the names of people currently
>> on the "naughty" list ;-)
> Yes, something similar to http://recipes.yoctoproject.org
> And the autobuilder could automatically reject or flag a patch that adds
> custom 'Pending' patches, if the patch author is determined to be on the
> 'naughty' list :-)

That might just alter peoples behavior and change them to use
"Submitted" and still not do anything. It does not address the issue.

Having the ability to report a patch's status does have some merit. What
is done with it is a different story.

- armin

> Alex

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