[OE-core] [PATCH V2 0/3] Dynamic common utilities

Richard Purdie richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org
Fri Sep 18 22:31:25 UTC 2015

On Fri, 2015-09-18 at 16:09 -0500, Alejandro Joya wrote:
> It provide a virtual reference for the common utilities.
> it replace of the lock to busybox, it will be simple exchange between other
> common utilities like gnu core utils or toybox among others.
> In order to enable its required to fill at the distro conf or local.conf
> VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_login_manager ?= "busybox"
> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/base-utils?= "busybox"
> PREFERRED_RPROVIDER_virtual/base-utils?= "busybox"
> VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_base-utils?= "busybox"
> VIRTUAL-RUNTIME_base-utils-hwclock ?= "busybox-hwclock"

As I understand it, you don't actually define defaults anywhere. This
means OE would break "out the box" which isn't acceptable and that alone
means I can't merge this.

Secondly, the virtual/xxx namespace is *only* for DEPENDS/PROVIDES, not
RDEPENDS or PACKAGE_INSTALL. For runtime packages, you need to use



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