[OE-core] [PATCH] systemd: fix tmpfiles location when multilib in use

Chatre, Reinette reinette.chatre at intel.com
Wed Sep 23 21:20:48 UTC 2015

From: Burton, Ross [mailto:ross.burton at intel.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 2:08 PM
To: Chatre, Reinette
Cc: OE-core
Subject: Re: [OE-core] [PATCH] systemd: fix tmpfiles location when multilib in use

On 23 September 2015 at 21:49, Reinette Chatre <reinette.chatre at intel.com<mailto:reinette.chatre at intel.com>> wrote:

For neatness in master there's a variable for this - ${nonarch_libdir}.  Can you change the patch to use that variable instead?

[Reinette] At the moment the rest of this recipe uses ${exec_prefix}/lib instead of the new ${nonarch_libdir}. I chose to use ${exec_prefix}/lib to remain consistent with the rest of the recipe since doing so makes it clear that the files being checked for matches _exactly_ (same  variable name) with where they are installed. If you would like to transition this recipe to using ${nonarch_libdir} then I think it will be more appropriate to do so with a different patch in addition to this one. If this is what you prefer to see then I can submit a new patch to do so. Even when doing so I would prefer to see this fix go in first so that we can do an easier backport of it to fido since cleanups are not appropriate there (and ${nonarch_libdir} does not exist there). Considering this, could you please reconsider taking this patch and I will submit an additional one to be applied afterwards to do the transition to ${nonarch_libdir}.

Thank you very much

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