[OE-core] [PATCH] wic: isoimage-isohybrid: implement grubefi menu logic

Ioan-Adrian Ratiu adrian.ratiu at ni.com
Mon Apr 18 12:46:22 UTC 2016

Right now isoimage-isohybrid creates a single boot menu entry "boot"
and passes it the arguments supplied with "--append". There is logic
for creating custom grub menus, but it is sadly not used. "boot" is

This change makes isoimage use the wic bootloader "--menu" argument to
create its menus. The syntax used for menu specification was chosen so
it does not conflict with the kernel parameter syntax (you can pass
custom kernel arguments from the generated grub menu entries, like for
example silent booting, thread affinity etc.).

The "--menu" argument syntax is as following. The argument supplies a
collection of menu entry names and kernel parameters. Menu name entries
can contain any ASCII character except | or : which are separators.
Kernel parameters obey the syntax defined by the kernel documentation.
| is the menu separator and : is the separator between the menu names
and parameters.

Example for use in wks files:
  --menu "Menu Name:firstarg,secondard|Menu Name 2:anotherarg,otherarg"

Signed-off-by: Ioan-Adrian Ratiu <adrian.ratiu at ni.com>
 .../lib/wic/plugins/source/isoimage-isohybrid.py   | 35 ++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scripts/lib/wic/plugins/source/isoimage-isohybrid.py b/scripts/lib/wic/plugins/source/isoimage-isohybrid.py
index bc99283..4b0b035 100644
--- a/scripts/lib/wic/plugins/source/isoimage-isohybrid.py
+++ b/scripts/lib/wic/plugins/source/isoimage-isohybrid.py
@@ -101,23 +101,40 @@ class IsoImagePlugin(SourcePlugin):
             splashline = ""
         bootloader = creator.ks.bootloader
+        kernel = "/bzImage"
+        default_options = bootloader.append
+        default_menu_to_boot = "Default boot"
+        grub_menus = ""
+        # menu separators are '|', custom boot args separated by ':', ex.
+        # --menu "Menu Name:firstarg,secondard|Menu Name 2:anotherarg,otherarg"
+        for menu in bootloader.menus.split('|'):
+            menu_list = menu.split(":")
+            menu_name = menu_list[0]
+            grub_menu_options = ""
+            if (len(menu_list) > 1):
+                menu_params = menu_list[1]
+                for param in menu_params.split(','):
+                    if param.lower() == "default":
+                        default_menu_to_boot = menu_name
+                    else: grub_menu_options += " " + param
+            grub_menus += "menuentry '%s' {\n" % menu_name
+            grub_menus += "linux %s rootwait %s %s\n" % \
+                (kernel, default_options, grub_menu_options)
+            grub_menus += "initrd /initrd \n"
+            grub_menus += "}\n"
         grubefi_conf = ""
         grubefi_conf += "serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 "
         grubefi_conf += "--parity=no --stop=1\n"
-        grubefi_conf += "default=boot\n"
+        grubefi_conf += "default=%s\n" % default_menu_to_boot
         grubefi_conf += "timeout=%s\n" % (bootloader.timeout or 10)
         grubefi_conf += "\n"
         grubefi_conf += "search --set=root --label %s " % part.label
         grubefi_conf += "\n"
-        grubefi_conf += "menuentry 'boot'{\n"
-        kernel = "/bzImage"
-        grubefi_conf += "linux %s rootwait %s\n" \
-            % (kernel, bootloader.append)
-        grubefi_conf += "initrd /initrd \n"
-        grubefi_conf += "}\n"
+        grubefi_conf += grub_menus
         if splashline:
             grubefi_conf += "%s\n" % splashline

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