[OE-core] [ANN] Heading for the Yocto Project open book

Otavio Salvador otavio.salvador at ossystems.com.br
Tue Aug 23 22:58:58 UTC 2016

Hello everyone,

Today is an important day for Daiane and I. We want to announce we are
working on an open book which will cover the Yocto Project from a more
general perspective.

We wrote a book[1] about the Yocto Project in past (released in July
2014) and it has been a very pleasant experience to follow its
repercussion. However the fact that a printed book is a static book
and we cannot keep updating it with errata fixes, improvements and new
contents, has been driving us crazy. So after a lot of thinking we
decided to start a new book.

1. http://amzn.to/1qJHycB

We have never driven a project like this, and we faced several
stepping stones during the planning on how it would work, including
for example royalties and authorship.

If ever there is a printed version (ebook is always going to be free)
of the book, we want to give back in return of all the help we got
from the projects, donating 100% of the book's royalties to the
OpenEmbedded Project. We are in the process of including the book on
Amazon and Google Play store services but the PDF[2] and the Git[3]
repositories are already available.

2. http://bit.ly/2bToiu8
3. http://bit.ly/2bM856N

As this discussion is off-topic for the forums here in copy, please
get in touch with Daiane and I directly if you have any suggestion,
critic, feedback or comment.

Best Regards,

Otavio Salvador                             O.S. Systems
http://www.ossystems.com.br        http://code.ossystems.com.br
Mobile: +55 (53) 9981-7854            Mobile: +1 (347) 903-9750

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