[OE-core] [PATCH] watchdog: enable systemd support

Randy MacLeod randy.macleod at windriver.com
Thu Jan 21 22:58:45 UTC 2016

On 2016-01-19 09:01 PM, rongqing.li at windriver.com wrote:
> 1. inherit systemd, and add two unit files which are from Fedora 23

> 2. auto load soft dog kernel module

I haven't used a hardware watchdog for a while. Does softdog
abstract that away so that it's hidden by the BSP? If not,
can a user ditch the softdog for a hardware watchdog? Does that
over-ride process need to be documented?

# Randy MacLeod. SMTS, Linux, Wind River
Direct: 613.963.1350 | 350 Terry Fox Drive, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON, 
Canada, K2K 2W5

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