[OE-core] [PATCH v2 4/4] lib/oe/lsb: attempt to ensure consistent distro id regardless of source

Joshua Lock joshua.g.lock at intel.com
Tue Nov 8 14:49:56 UTC 2016

The LSB Distributor ID and os-release NAME differ for most of the
distributions tested by the Yocto Project (CentOS, Debian, Fedora,
openSUSE and Ubuntu) however for all but openSUSE the os-release ID
matches the LSB Distributor ID when both are lowered before

Therefore, in order to improve the consistency of identification of
a distribution, switch to using the os-release ID and converting
the ID value to lowercase.

Table showing comparison of LSB Distributor ID to os-release fields NAME
and ID for current Yocto Project supported host distributions:

Distribution | Version | Distributor ID   | NAME             | ID       |
CentOS       | 7       | CentOS           | CentOS Linux     | centos   |
Debian       | 8       | Debian           | Debian GNU/Linux | debian   |
Fedora       | 23      | Fedora           | Fedora           | fedora   |
Fedora       | 24      | Fedora           | Fedora           | fedora   |
openSUSE     | 13.2    | openSUSE project | openSUSE         | opensuse |
openSUSE     | 42.1    | SUSE LINUX       | openSUSE Leap    | opensuse |
Ubuntu       | 14.04   | Ubuntu           | Ubuntu           | ubuntu   |
Ubuntu       | 16.04   | Ubuntu           | Ubuntu           | ubuntu   |

[YOCTO #10591]

Signed-off-by: Joshua Lock <joshua.g.lock at intel.com>
 meta/lib/oe/lsb.py | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/lib/oe/lsb.py b/meta/lib/oe/lsb.py
index 8018c7b..5a795a1 100644
--- a/meta/lib/oe/lsb.py
+++ b/meta/lib/oe/lsb.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def release_dict_osr():
                 key, val = line.rstrip().split('=', 1)
             except ValueError:
-            if key == 'NAME':
+            if key == 'ID':
                 data['DISTRIB_ID'] = val.strip('"')
             if key == 'VERSION_ID':
                 data['DISTRIB_RELEASE'] = val.strip('"')
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def distro_identifier(adjust_hook=None):
     distro_id = re.sub(r'\W', '', distro_id)
     if release:
-        id_str = '{0}-{1}'.format(distro_id, release)
+        id_str = '{0}-{1}'.format(distro_id.lower(), release)
         id_str = distro_id
     return id_str.replace(' ','-').replace('/','-')

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