[OE-core] krogoth 2.1.2 status

Perez Carranza, Jose jose.perez.carranza at intel.com
Wed Nov 9 22:04:38 UTC 2016


Based on below comments we will start the QA cycle for 2.1.2, we will start tomorrow once the QA cycle for meta-intel is finished. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Purdie [mailto:richard.purdie at linuxfoundation.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 6:30 AM
To: openembedded-core <openembedded-core at lists.openembedded.org>; Armin Kuster <akuster808 at gmail.com>
Cc: Perez Carranza, Jose <jose.perez.carranza at intel.com>; Jolley, Stephen K <stephen.k.jolley at intel.com>; Delgado, Sonia <sonia.delgado at intel.com>
Subject: krogoth 2.1.2 status

I ran a krogoth 2.1.2 build. It did have some issues:

* one runtime sanity test had a timeout issue
* some urls are stale (perpetual problem)
* musl runtime testing fails (never tested on krogoth previously)
* no-x11 runtime testing had a failure (never tested on krogoth

I suspect we can call this good enough to put into QA but there were enough 'failures' I wanted to send this out in case someone objects.

Part of the problem here is we apply our current autobuilder test setup to the older releases as well. I'm aware there may be better ways to do this but I don't know anyone with time to work on that, we have other more pressing problems.



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