[OE-core] [PATCH v2 06/10] oe-selftest: fix handling of test cases without ID in --list-tests-by

Burton, Ross ross.burton at intel.com
Thu Nov 10 20:05:12 UTC 2016

On 10 November 2016 at 12:18, Maciej Borzecki <maciej.borzecki at rndity.com>

> -    ts = sorted([ (tc.tcid, tc.tctag, tc.tcname, tc.tcclass, tc.tcmodule)
> for tc in get_testsuite_by(criteria, keyword) ])
> -
> -    print('%-4s\t%-20s\t%-60s\t%-25s\t%-20s' % ('id', 'tag', 'name',
> 'class', 'module'))
> +    def tc_key(t):
> +        if t[0] is None:
> +            return  (0,) + t[1:]
> +        return t
> +    # tcid may be None if no ID was assigned, in which case sorted() will
> throw
> +    # a TypeError as Python 3 does not allow comparison (<,<=,>=,>) of
> +    # heterogeneous types, handle this by using a custom key generator
> +    ts = sorted([ (tc.tcid, tc.tctag, tc.tcname, tc.tcclass, tc.tcmodule)
> \
> +                  for tc in get_testsuite_by(criteria, keyword) ],
> key=tc_key)

Wouldn't a shorter (but untested!) form alternative be just?

-    ts = sorted([ (tc.tcid, tc.tctag, tc.tcname, tc.tcclass, tc.tcmodule)
for tc in get_testsuite_by(criteria, keyword) ])
+    ts = sorted([ (tc.tcid or 0, tc.tctag, tc.tcname, tc.tcclass,
tc.tcmodule) for tc in get_testsuite_by(criteria, keyword) ])

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