[OE-core] [PATCH 3/4] insane: add QAPKGTEST, a package-wide equivilant to QAPATHTEST

Ross Burton ross.burton at intel.com
Thu Nov 24 23:44:24 UTC 2016

QAPATHTEST defines a function that is executed for every file in every package.
For tests which just need to look at the datastore this is massive overkill.

Add QAPKGTEST, which is invoked for each package in the recipe.

Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton at intel.com>
 meta/classes/insane.bbclass | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+)

diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 0ba4cae..407ccee 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -822,6 +822,23 @@ def package_qa_check_staged(path,d):
     return sane
+# Run all package-wide warnfuncs and errorfuncs
+def package_qa_package(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, skip, package, d):
+    warnings = {}
+    errors = {}
+    for func in warnfuncs:
+        func(package, d, warnings)
+    for func in errorfuncs:
+        func(package, d, errors)
+    for w in warnings:
+        package_qa_handle_error(w, warnings[w], d)
+    for e in errors:
+        package_qa_handle_error(e, errors[e], d)
+    return len(errors) == 0
 # Walk over all files in a directory and call func
 def package_qa_walk(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, skip, package, d):
     import oe.qa
@@ -1162,6 +1179,9 @@ python do_package_qa () {
         warn_checks, error_checks = parse_test_matrix("QAPATHTEST")
         package_qa_walk(warn_checks, error_checks, skip, package, d)
+        warn_checks, error_checks = parse_test_matrix("QAPKGTEST")
+        package_qa_package(warn_checks, error_checks, skip, package, d)
         package_qa_check_rdepends(package, pkgdest, skip, taskdeps, packages, d)
         package_qa_check_deps(package, pkgdest, skip, d)

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