[OE-core] tslib 1.3

Christopher Larson clarson at kergoth.com
Wed Nov 30 14:58:25 UTC 2016

On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 2:39 AM, Martin Kepplinger <
martin.kepplinger at ginzinger.com> wrote:

> I found some discussions on tslib in your archives and want to give you
> a little update. I'm not even sure core is the correct list for this.
> I'm working on tslib for quite some time now. The project page is
> https://github.com/kergoth/tslib and has been for quite some time, and
> I'm maintaining it there.
> With version 1.3 there shouldn't be any need for your environment to be
> compatible with tslib's API, as tslib/tools/ts_uinput provides an input
> event device to use:
> https://github.com/kergoth/tslib#use-tslib-via-a-normal-input-event-device
> and you can run it as a daemon (ts_uinput -d).
> As of now tslib-1.3-rc1 is out for testing. It adds a new multitouch
> API, but ts_uinput should work for single- and multitouch devices and
> there shouldn't be a need to wait for Qt or X tslib wrappers to
> implement tslib's API or to even have them at all.
> The more feedback we get, the earlier we can consider releasing it as
> version 1.3.
> I hope this is useful,

This sounds great, thanks again for taking over as project maintainer.
Christopher Larson
clarson at kergoth dot com
Founder - BitBake, OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus
Senior Software Engineer, Mentor Graphics
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