[OE-core] Replacement for tslib?

Mike Looijmans mike.looijmans at topic.nl
Thu Sep 1 05:14:12 UTC 2016

On 31-08-16 18:57, Richard Purdie wrote:
> On Wed, 2016-08-31 at 17:42 +0200, Enrico Scholz wrote:
>> Hello,
>> tslib is more or less mandatory for resistive touchscreens but it was
>> removed some days ago.  This breaks e.g. meta-qt5 layer which depends
>> on it.
>> Is this removal really final (which would be really bad, because
>> resistive
>> touchscreens are used e.g. in industrial environments)?
> The underlying pressure was from xcalibrate never having been merged
> into x11 and hence needing to replace xtscal by xinput-calibrate. With
> that change, the need for tslib wasn't clear.
> Its was also frustrating having two sets of pointercal files, one for
> xinput-calibrate and one for tslib.
> That said, I can see the need for tslib and if that is the only way to
> support these touchscreens in qt5/qt4 we might have to reconsider that.
> Are you sure the kernel interfaces that xinput is using don't work for
> qt4/qt5? If not, we may need to reconsider tslib...

Once reason to use Qt is the fact that you don't need X11 for it. And tslib is 
the only calibration tool that seems to work properly with resistive touchscreens.

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