[OE-core] [PATCH 0/1] pseudo: add prefix for log and make log consistent

Seebs seebs at seebs.net
Wed Sep 28 13:25:31 UTC 2016

On 28 Sep 2016, at 1:22, Robert Yang wrote:
> meta/recipes-devtools/pseudo/files/0001-pseudo_server.c-add-prefix-for-log-and-make-log-cons.patch

I don't think this produces desireable behavior in the command-line use 
case; so far as I can tell, this would result in getting no messages at 
all now.

We definitely don't want to unconditionally prepend "pseudo:" to 
absolutely all log messages, that'd be gigabytes of data in a lot of 
cases. Furthermore, pseudo_diag() is sometimes used to produce partial 
lines. So
	pseudo_diag("foo: ");
would now produce
	pseudo: foo: pseudo: bar
which is not desireable. It would make more sense to add the prefix to 
the specific things you're likely to see during startup, of which 
there's only a few.

I think the right answer probably involves distinguishing between cases 
where we're spawning a daemon because a client has requested one, and 
command-line invocation. This can be partially fixed by moving the 
pseudo_debug_logfile() call up, and making it conditional on opt_d, but 
then pseudo should also probably start a daemon directly (without that) 
rather than relying
on the client spawning code when execing something. I can probably fix 
this soonish.


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