[OE-core] [PATCH 1/9] meson: add a recipe and class from meta-oe

Linus Svensson linus.svensson at axis.com
Fri Dec 15 16:01:39 UTC 2017

On 12/15/2017 04:29 PM, André Draszik wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-12-07 at 11:27 -0800, Andre McCurdy wrote:
>>> +MESON_TARGET_ENDIAN = "${@bb.utils.contains('TUNE_FEATURES',
>>> 'bigendian', 'big', 'little', d)}"
>> This won't work for all targets (e.g. PowerPC is big endian but
>> doesn't include "bigendian" in TUNE_FEATURES). To determine the
>> endianness of the target, use SITEINFO_ENDIANNESS instead.
> ${MESON_TARGET_ENDIAN} is used inside a [target_machine] statement, though.
> Not sure about the naming and intention here...
meson define host,target and build the same way as autotools do.
meson will fetch information about the build machine from the environment
and host/target is specified in the cross-file. The intention with this
statement is to specify the endianness for the target system. Is that
information available in oe?

 From mesonbuild.com:
target machine is the machine on which the compiled binary's output will run
(this is only meaningful for programs such as compilers that, when run,
produce object code for a different CPU than what the program is being 
run on)


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