[OE-core] [PATCH 6/8] image_types_wic: set default WKS_FILE_DEPENDS

Ed Bartosh ed.bartosh at linux.intel.com
Thu Jul 6 07:56:47 UTC 2017

The default set of dependencies used via wic-tools is not used
anymore as wic images don't depend on wic-tools.

Set of packages required to produce wic image depends on the content
of the .wks file, so WKS_FILE_DEPENDS variable should be used to
provide correct list of dependencies when WKS_FILE variable is set.

As WKS_FILE_DEPENDS is not used in many existing recipes yet we need
to provide default value for it to ensure that removal of wic-tool
dependency doesn't cause image build failures.

Initialized WKS_FILE_DEPENDS with the set of dependencies previously
brought by wic-tool. This is done to provide compatibility and to
avoid breakages of existing image recipes that rely on current set
of dependencies.

Note: This is a temporary solution for transition period.
After some time the list will be either reduced or removed.
Recommended solution is to use WKS_FILE_DEPENDS in image recipes
together with WKS_FILE to specify dependencies.

Signed-off-by: Ed Bartosh <ed.bartosh at linux.intel.com>
 meta/classes/image_types_wic.bbclass | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/image_types_wic.bbclass b/meta/classes/image_types_wic.bbclass
index 05ee68d..e9750b5 100644
--- a/meta/classes/image_types_wic.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/image_types_wic.bbclass
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@ USING_WIC = "${@bb.utils.contains_any('IMAGE_FSTYPES', 'wic ' + ' '.join('wic.%s
 WKS_FILE_CHECKSUM = "${@'${WKS_FULL_PATH}:%s' % os.path.exists('${WKS_FULL_PATH}') if '${USING_WIC}' else ''}"
 do_image_wic[file-checksums] += "${WKS_FILE_CHECKSUM}"
 do_image_wic[depends] += "${@' '.join('%s-native:do_populate_sysroot' % r for r in ('parted', 'gptfdisk', 'dosfstools', 'mtools'))}"
+WKS_FILE_DEPENDS ??= 'syslinux-native bmap-tools-native cdrtools-native btrfs-tools-native squashfs-tools-native'
+WKS_FILE_DEPENDS_append_x86 = " syslinux grub-efi systemd-boot"
+WKS_FILE_DEPENDS_append_x86-64 = " syslinux grub-efi systemd-boot"
 DEPENDS += "${@ '${WKS_FILE_DEPENDS}' if d.getVar('USING_WIC') else '' }"
 python () {

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