[OE-core] [morty][PATCH v2] gcc6.4 upgrade

Andre McCurdy armccurdy at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 02:55:49 UTC 2018

On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 6:25 PM, Bystricky, Juro
<juro.bystricky at intel.com> wrote:
> This was morty upgrade, which did not have those patches to begin with, I did not remove them.  The patches were not in rocko either, in the end I got them from master  (gcc6.4 was eventually removed completely),
> Backporting of ARM specific patches was not the objective. ( I was not aware that 6.4 had an ARM specific regression which broke the pi3 builds).
> Long story short, all patches should be there now, please review them, see the commit message for more details.
> I'll make sure all other gcc6 upgrades contain the ARM patches as well.

Comparing my morty branch (with update to gcc 6.4 by backporting
incremental gcc updates from master) and today's morty-next (which
updates gcc 6.2 -> 6.4 with a single commit) the only differences are:

 - My branch lacks all the new x86 specific patches (OK, since they
are appearing here first)

 - Today's morty-next is lacking one patch, which was added to oe-core
master as a backport (from gcc master) to gcc 6.3:


I don't have any strong opinions on the patch, but presumably it fixed
some issue Khem was seeing, it still applies cleanly to gcc 6.4 and we
have it in rocko so on balance I'd say it should probably be in morty

Overall this looks great though and I'm very happy to see gcc updates
landing in the release branches. Thanks Juro!

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