[OE-core] [PATCH] go: Allow bootstrapping using host go compiler

Randy MacLeod randy.macleod at windriver.com
Fri Apr 12 18:26:20 UTC 2019

On 4/12/19 9:16 AM, Daniel Thompson wrote:
> We could make things fully deterministic by downloading go compiler
> binaries (rather than source) if the host architecture is not supported
> by go-1.4. Is this feasible or should I continue trying to adopt the
> host go compiler for these architectures?

You may already know but in case you hadn't consider the use case,
we also have a requirement to do off-line builds
so this download would have to fit into the fetcher system
that we rely upon to avoid build-time rather than fetch-time

Also adding a downloaded binary could be a (minor?) complication
for IP analysis for some organizations. If a user is paranoid, is
there a well-tested, reproducible procedure for generating the
binary from source on an x86-64 host? If so should a recipe
for that be added to oe-core?

In the long run, don't we want to avoid any new binaries or host tools? 
Is anyone else in the go community (Debian maybe?) interested in
bootstrapping go on arm64 hosts or do they all just use the binary?

After all that I suppose that adding the go-1.4 binary download
could be a reasonable short-term approach that we should live with
until a source-based solution is available.

Finally, as an aside, some time ago I noticed:
and thought that would be a good thing for oe-core that would
allow dropping even the host gcc requirement albeit at
likely significant build time cost.

# Randy MacLeod
# Wind River Linux

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