[OE-core] [PATCH] buildhistory: don't output ownership for the sysroot

Ross Burton ross.burton at intel.com
Mon Jul 8 12:32:58 UTC 2019

As the sysroot isn't ran inside pseudo the ownership is whoever is running the
builds.  In a setup where multiple builders all contribute to a shared
buildhistory writing the ownership data isn't useful, so just replace it with "-

Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton at intel.com>
 meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass | 16 +++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass b/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass
index baa7c8e2799..5bf27268107 100644
--- a/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/buildhistory.bbclass
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ PATCH_GIT_USER_NAME ?= "OpenEmbedded"
 buildhistory_emit_sysroot() {
 	mkdir --parents ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE}
-	buildhistory_list_files ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR} ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE}/sysroot
+	buildhistory_list_files_no_owners ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR} ${BUILDHISTORY_DIR_PACKAGE}/sysroot
@@ -537,6 +537,20 @@ buildhistory_list_files() {
 	fi | sort -k5 | sed 's/ * -> $//' > $2 )
+buildhistory_list_files_no_owners() {
+	# List the files in the specified directory, but exclude date/time etc.
+	# Also don't output the ownership data, but instead output just - - so
+	# that the same parsing code as for _list_files works.
+	# This is somewhat messy, but handles where the size is not printed for device files under pseudo
+	( cd $1
+	find_cmd='find . ! -path . -printf "%M -          -          %10s %p -> %l\n"'
+	if [ "$3" = "fakeroot" ] ; then
+		eval ${FAKEROOTENV} ${FAKEROOTCMD} "$find_cmd"
+	else
+		eval "$find_cmd"
+	fi | sort -k5 | sed 's/ * -> $//' > $2 )
 buildhistory_list_pkg_files() {
 	# Create individual files-in-package for each recipe's package
 	for pkgdir in $(find ${PKGDEST}/* -maxdepth 0 -type d); do

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