[OE-core] [PATCH 1/3] cve-update-db-native: use executemany() to optimise CPE insertion

Ross Burton ross.burton at intel.com
Fri Jul 19 20:33:17 UTC 2019

Instead of calling execute() repeatedly, rewrite the function to be a generator
and use executemany() for performance.

Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton at intel.com>
 .../recipes-core/meta/cve-update-db-native.bb | 85 +++++++------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-core/meta/cve-update-db-native.bb b/meta/recipes-core/meta/cve-update-db-native.bb
index cabbde5066c..09e19c0aaef 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-core/meta/cve-update-db-native.bb
+++ b/meta/recipes-core/meta/cve-update-db-native.bb
@@ -102,70 +102,49 @@ def initialize_db(c):
-def insert_elt(c, db_values):
-    query = "insert into PRODUCTS values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
-    c.execute(query, db_values)
 def parse_node_and_insert(c, node, cveId):
     # Parse children node if needed
-    try:
-        for child in node['children']:
-            parse_node_and_insert(c, child, cveId)
-    except:
-        pass
-    # Exit if the cpe_match node does not exists
-    try:
-        cpe_match = node['cpe_match']
-    except:
-        return
-    for cpe in cpe_match:
-        if not cpe['vulnerable']:
-            return
-        cpe23 = cpe['cpe23Uri'].split(':')
-        vendor = cpe23[3]
-        product = cpe23[4]
-        version = cpe23[5]
-        if version != '*':
-            # Version is defined, this is a '=' match
-            db_values = [cveId, vendor, product, version, '=', '', '']
-            insert_elt(c, db_values)
-        else:
-            # Parse start version, end version and operators
-            op_start = ''
-            op_end = ''
-            v_start = ''
-            v_end = ''
-            try:
-                if cpe['versionStartIncluding']:
+    for child in node.get('children', ()):
+        parse_node_and_insert(c, child, cveId)
+    def cpe_generator():
+        for cpe in node.get('cpe_match', ()):
+            if not cpe['vulnerable']:
+                return
+            cpe23 = cpe['cpe23Uri'].split(':')
+            vendor = cpe23[3]
+            product = cpe23[4]
+            version = cpe23[5]
+            if version != '*':
+                # Version is defined, this is a '=' match
+                yield [cveId, vendor, product, version, '=', '', '']
+            else:
+                # Parse start version, end version and operators
+                op_start = ''
+                op_end = ''
+                v_start = ''
+                v_end = ''
+                if 'versionStartIncluding' in cpe:
                     op_start = '>='
                     v_start = cpe['versionStartIncluding']
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                if cpe['versionStartExcluding']:
+                if 'versionStartExcluding' in cpe:
                     op_start = '>'
                     v_start = cpe['versionStartExcluding']
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                if cpe['versionEndIncluding']:
+                if 'versionEndIncluding' in cpe:
                     op_end = '<='
                     v_end = cpe['versionEndIncluding']
-            except:
-                pass
-            try:
-                if cpe['versionEndExcluding']:
+                if 'versionEndExcluding' in cpe:
                     op_end = '<'
                     v_end = cpe['versionEndExcluding']
-            except:
-                pass
-            db_values = [cveId, vendor, product, v_start, op_start, v_end, op_end]
-            insert_elt(c, db_values)
+                yield [cveId, vendor, product, v_start, op_start, v_end, op_end]
+    c.executemany("insert into PRODUCTS values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", cpe_generator())
 def update_db(c, json_filename):
     import json

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