[OE-core] Questions: Using OE toolchain of different arch.

Khem Raj raj.khem at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 17:41:28 UTC 2019

On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 12:47 PM Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu)
<paulliu at debian.org> wrote:
> Dear openembedded-core developers,
> I need some help about using OE toolchain from different arch.
> For example, on RPi3, we build the rootfs using armhf architecture.
> (require  conf/machine/include/arm/arch-armv6.inc)
> That means the whole rootfs is built by arm-linux-gnueabihf-*
> But when adding TF-A and OPTEE. On RPi3, TF-A and OPTEE runs in 64-bit
> mode. And TF-A will then load u-boot (BL33) and runs it in 32-bit mode.
> So the rest of the systems still run on 32-bit mode.
> The problem is now we want to build TF-A and OPTEE. So we need to
> compile it by aarch64 toolchains. That is we should use
> CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-oe-linux-* from aarch64. But however it seems to
> me that I cannot do that. I tried to make a recipe for TF-A by chainging
> architecture of that recipe but I still don't have aarch64-oe-linux-*
> available. Is there a proper way of doing this?

I assume you want to use a prebuilt toolchain and not built another
variant along with
what OE will provide you. You can try something like this


> BTW, this is not about ilp32 because we still want the whole system runs
> in armhf for compatibility.
> Yours,
> Paul
> --
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