[OE-core] GStreamer 1.0 meson build transition

Carlos Rafael Giani crg7475 at mailbox.org
Mon Oct 28 23:01:36 UTC 2019

Hm, true. Alright, I'll do that. For discussions about the recipe 
changes, should I create a fork of oe-core and place them there, just 
like how one would prepare merge requests? To me, it sounds more 
efficient than posting the patches in the mailing list for discussing them.

And speaking of upgrades, my changes are against 1.16.1, so the 1.16.0 
-> 1.16.1 upgrade needs to make it into master-next in first.


On 28.10.19 17:44, Ross Burton wrote:
> On 26/10/2019 11:57, Carlos Rafael Giani wrote:
>> I think it would make sense to not try to get a meson based build 
>> done for GStreamer 1.16, and instead target it for 1.18. Minor 
>> version upgrades like 1.16.0 -> 1.16.1 aren't expected to bring major 
>> changes with them, while major upgrades like 1.16 -> 1.18 are 
>> generally known to potentially bring such changes. Also, there's a 
>> chance that new patches might make their way into 1.18 before its 
>> release.
> That's fine, but there is value in doing the migration separately to 
> the 1.16->1.18 upgrade: there should be no difference to the installed 
> files which makes verification easier.
> Basically I've no opinion on when the meson migration is merged, as 
> you say it's not trivial, but please have it as a separate commit to 
> an upgrade.
> Thanks,
> Ross

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