[oe] "bitburn nano" fails: ERROR: function do_stage failed

Sam Green samgreen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 12 16:32:58 UTC 2006

I am trying to cross-compile on OE for my iPAQ 3800/Familiar PDA. I have
carefully followed http://www.openembedded.org/wiki/GettingStarted, but I
can not get past the "bitbake nano" step. I get:

sbgree at ubuntu:/openembedded/build$ bitbake nano
NOTE: Using cache in '/openembedded/build/tmp/cache/h3800'
NOTE: Handling BitBake files: \ (4092/4092) [100 %]
NOTE: Parsing finished. 0 cached, 3919 parsed, 173 skipped, 0 masked.

NOTE: build 200612121006: started

OE Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION     = "1.6.3"
OE_REVISION    = "d3a4f1285a8d621925836a8a2ea609ea62d1cc9d"
TARGET_ARCH    = "arm"
TARGET_OS      = "linux"
MACHINE        = "h3800"
DISTRO         = "familiar"
TARGET_FPU     = "soft"

NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45: started
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45-r0: task do_populate_staging: started
NOTE: SITE files /openembedded/org.openembedded.dev/site/endian-little
ERROR: function do_stage failed
ERROR: log data follows (/openembedded/build/tmp/work/quilt-native-0.45-r0
| NOTE: make install
| make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.
| FATAL: oe_runmake failed
NOTE: Task failed: /openembedded/build/tmp/work/quilt-native-0.45-r0
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45-r0: task do_populate_staging: failed
ERROR: TaskFailed event exception, aborting
NOTE: package quilt-native-0.45: failed
ERROR: Build of nano failed

I suspect my local.conf is my problem:

DL_DIR = "/home/sbgree/sources"
BBFILES = "/openembedded/org.openembedded.dev/packages/*/*.bb"
TARGET_OS = "linux"
TARGET_FPU = "soft"
MACHINE = "h3800"
DISTRO = "familiar"
IMAGE_FSTYPES = "jffs2 tar"

Can someone please give me a pointer?

Sam Green

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