[oe] New IXP4XX Machine Question

Mark Gollahon golly at stellarwerx.com
Tue Dec 19 15:21:19 UTC 2006


I'm new to the list, but I've been following OE for quite some time now.  I've been greatly amazed at the work that you have done putting OE together.  I salute you.

However, I do have a question.  I am trying to bring up a new machine to run on an OE-style distro and I am having trouble with the build environment.  It is an IXP425-powered SBC somewhat similar to the SLUGs but operates more like a firewall device (i.e. multiple ethernet ports).  I've built a whole distro using the GPL'ed IXP4XX network drivers and everything works except for the network.  So, to see if it is the drivers or my board, I've tried to switch to building Intel's library/drivers.  In the OE environment, Intel's library/driver always fails at applying the OE patches.  If I remove all of the patches, it starts building, but it builds little-endian in spite of the big-endian settings I have.

I don't want to blast all of you with messages on this particular issue, so are there a few people here who can help me privately either: (1) get the IXP4XX GPL'ed drivers running, or (2) help me get Intel's software building under OE for my board?

Thank you!
-Mark Gollahon

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