[oe] gtk+-directfb

Readon Shaw xydarcher at 163.com
Mon Dec 3 05:31:12 UTC 2007

I also have a question. 
gdk-pixbuf depends gtk+ & gtk+-directfb if i include gtk-2.10.inc in gtk+-directfb.
at the same time, gtk+ recmmended gdk-pixbuf, 
so if i install gtk+ only, gtk-drirectfb would be installed because of the dependcy.

how to solve this?


>I have an interest in building gtk+-directfb for the gumstix platform.
>So, of course, I gave it a quick try and it failed because of a
>dependency on pango-directfb -- which doesn't exist.
>In checking some of the prior traffic on the list, I see that
>pango-directfb has been removed due to its causing build breakage.
>Has anyone come us with an acceptable approach to supporting a
>gtk+-directfb build since then?
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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

        Readon Shaw
        xydarcher at 163.com

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