Paul Sokolovsky pmiscml at gmail.com
Sat Dec 15 02:39:23 UTC 2007

Hello Openembedded-devel,

   ANGSTROM_MODE config variable has proven to be very useful and
successful feature during the Angstrom evolution. IMHO, it is worth
generalization of its meaning and naming to become a generic
additional OE distro configuration parameter. So, I'd like to propose
it to be renamed to SYSTYPE, with the description "Select particular
system variant of a distribution which supports such feature, e.g.,
underlying libc type."

  Obviously, it wouldn't be limited to libc type, but intended to be a
generic sub-parameter of a distro, it could be debug/release type,
size type (minimal/standard/extended), whatever. The usage idea is to
have standard name for such generic parameter, plus semantically it
should be expected that a distro allows to build different SYSTYPE's
side-by-side in the same build dir (like Angstrom does for libc

Best regards,
 Paul                          mailto:pmiscml at gmail.com

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