[oe] OE-Booth summary

gerwin van der kruis gerwin at vanderkruis.net
Sat Feb 17 01:55:30 UTC 2007

Okay hereby a small summary:

-There will be a box for donating money
-There will be a possibility for donating hardware (Gerwinin will write
programm for this + gerwinin will place announcement on linuxdevices + )
-Gerwinin, hrw, Laibsch, MickeyL, Crofton, Likewise will man the booth
so far (hope I haven't forgotten anyone)

-Hardware that will be shown: Mini-itx (Gerwinin), progear
webpad(hrw),Japanese stuff on z (Laibsch)

What do we still need ?

-It would be nice to have some more hardware that we can show on the
-I was thinking of organising some small workshops for oe 
-Is there space for a discussion to make a foundation for oe ?
-Posters and flyers
-T-shirts for people manning the booth

If you have more let me know , also comments feedback are welcome 



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