[oe] Trying to package Appweb 2.1.0

Nelson Castillo nelson at emqbit.com
Sun Feb 18 20:29:21 UTC 2007


We've been trying to package Appweb 2.1.0. This package works
(We haven't thought of PHP5).

We tried to get rid of /usr/mime.types in the commented code that
follows but we could not.

#FILES_${PN} += " /etc/appWeb/appWeb.conf /etc/appWeb/mime.types"
FILES_${PN} += " /usr/appWeb.conf /usr/mime.types"

do_install () {
        oe_runmake 'ROOT_DIR=${D}' install-all
# How do we do this?
#mkdir ${D}/etc/appWeb
#cp ${D}/usr/appWeb.conf ${D}/etc/appWeb/
#cp ${D}/usr/mime.types ${D}/etc/appWeb/

How do we do that?

Those are the errors we get:

!!! Failed to move ./etc/appWeb to
!!! [Errno 39] Directory not empty
NOTE: Task failed: File population failed

And we always get these and it seems they don't hurt.

FATAL: arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-strip
command failed
FATAL: arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-strip
command failed


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