[oe] OpenAlchemy ready to be included in OE

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at vanille-media.de
Sun Jan 7 17:32:15 UTC 2007

Cheers devels,

since a couple of months I knew that the Alchemy user interface would
become open source in the near future. Having seen this UI and its
applications on a relatively low power hardware I was very impressed
about the speed and efficiency. I think this UI could be a strong
contender for Opie and GPE on the handheld-type devices OE supports.

indicates that there is now a public SVN. It'd be cool if anyone of
you guys could have a go at adding OpenAlchemy to OE. I'd do it
myself, but you know... pretty busy with other important things that
need to get done soon :)


Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | IT-Freelancer | http://www.vanille-media.de

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