[oe] Upcomming events frosconn and t-dose

Gerwin van der Kruis gerwin at vanderkruis.net
Fri Jun 15 14:23:47 UTC 2007

Dear all, 


We will have a booth at t-dose 2007 in Eindhoven the Netherlands . 
T-Dose will take place 13 and 14 October. 

I was wondering who else except me will join this conference ?

And who can help me with manning the oe-booth there. I also would like to ask 
if there are people who would like to do a talk ? 

Myself I have 4 places for people to sleep if necessary.

Froscon is an event in Bonn Germany

I contacted the organisation before but didn't here anything anymore 
I will do it again with the question if there is a possibility to talk and or 
to have booth. 

Kind Regards, 


The Holographic Klop Doctor

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Underneath the mango tree  :) 

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