[oe] Getting Started -Makefile

Marcin Juszkiewicz openembedded at haerwu.biz
Tue Nov 20 10:46:28 UTC 2007

Dnia wtorek, 20 listopada 2007, Richard Purdie napisał:

> Users end up realising that everything is either an SCM command ("svn
> up" for Poky) or a bitbake one. Neither are complicated programs to
> learn. Yes monotone is more complex than svn but all you really need to
> know is "mtn pull;mtn up" and even then, understanding why there are
> two commands actually teaches you something important about the SCM.
> Hiding them from the user just creates a  phobia of using the real
> tools.

And updating can also be handled by 'first step'. My setup-oe.sh script 
updates BitBake and OE, set env vars and put me into build dir.

JID: hrw-jabber.org
OpenEmbedded developer/consultant

    The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

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