[oe] Getting Started -Makefile

Rod Whitby rod at whitby.id.au
Tue Nov 20 11:44:30 UTC 2007

Rod Whitby wrote:
> Koen Kooi wrote:
>> David Farning schreef:
>>> $make setup
>> nice
>>> $make build-package-vim
>> $deity just killed a few hundred kittens.
>> At OEDEM we decided that we won't tolerate kindergarten-like,
>> hand-holding wrappers around bitbake. Typing 'bitbake vim' isn't rocket
>> science. To paraphrase Mickey: "If typing 'bitbake <foo>' is too hard,
>> you shouldn't be using OE".

The thing that I don't understand is that "bitbake <foo>" is eleven less
characters to type than "make build-package-<foo>", so the question we
should be asking is:

Why are people prepared to type ten extra characters every time they
want to build a package rather than using bitbake directly?

The answer to that question holds the key to the way forward on this issue.

Are the powers of persuasion of the various Makefile authors so great
that they can convince people to type more characters, even when the
documentation, wiki and tutorials provided by OE explicitly tell people
to use a command which involves typing less characters?

-- Rod

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