[oe] bbclass providing some level of scratchbox compatibility

Robert Schuster theBohemian at gmx.net
Fri Nov 23 14:14:29 UTC 2007

I am using OE to build binaries that can be run from within Maemo

The binaries I create are for the native architecture (the one of the
host CPU) not the emulated one. Such binaries need a special rpath. What
the bbclass does is simply putting that special rpath in LD_RUN_PATH
before configuring and compiling. This has the effect that all built
binaries have it in.

Together with a halfway compatible toolchain (CS gcc3.4.4, glibc2.3.x)
that allows me to run those binaries in Maemo's scratchbox.

I am using this for Jalimo[0] and would like to push it upstream. I am
open for suggestions.

File a bug?


[0] - http://jalimo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=doc:howto:cacaoandecjinscratchbox
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