[oe] python skills and bug 2412

Matt Hoosier matt.hoosier at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 19:53:04 UTC 2007

On Nov 27, 2007 8:03 AM, Richard Purdie <rpurdie at rpsys.net> wrote:
> A proper use for RPROVIDES is for something like gtk+-directfb to
> RPROVIDE gtk+. If an app linked against one, it should be able to run
> against the other (I'm assuming thats the case, if its not there
> shouldn't be an RPROVIDES).

I've tried this, and you have problems with the apps already being
linked not only against libgtk-2.0.so.x.y.z, but also the closure of
the dependencies which it had at link-time. So if the X11 version of
Gtk was staged at the time your app linked, the references to
libx11.so will exist its its binary.

Is there some way to suppress this eager resolution of transitive
shared library dependencies?

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