[oe] OEDEM is coming...

Holger Freyther zecke at selfish.org
Thu Oct 4 19:48:36 UTC 2007


there are some things to announce:

	1.) The german train company ("Deutsche Bahn") will be striked  
tomorrow by some labor:
		2/3 of all trains should travel
		the strike schedule is up and will be followed
	2.) Berlin has a nice public transportation system. This is the BVG  
and the S-Bahn. S-Bahn is 		     part of the trains company and will  
be striked as well. 50% of all trains should travel. S-Bahn 	     has  
a big green S as logo. To go from the Central-Station to our office  
you can either wait for 	     the S-Bahn or use the bus
	3.) My cellphone number is +49 177 6513101... (I think I won't  
regret this), the number of my office is +49 30 240 88 23 30.

	I will be either in the office or at the central station awaiting  
koen's and others arrival!

don't get lost


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