[oe] Kernel Packages/Modules and Versioning

Graeme Gregory dp at xora.org.uk
Thu Oct 25 11:00:35 UTC 2007

Hi, writing this with my OpenMoko hat on.

Currently kernel modules create packages with names of the form


This I feel is not a good idea for mobile system that can have package
upgrades in the field. It is my feeling that kernel modules/images
should never upgrade without attendance from the user.

On reason for this is to make sure user is plugged into sufficient
power and has facilities to fix device before doing such a drastic

I would like to suggest all kernel packages are actually packaged as


and that a kernel-updater is developed to guide user through kernel
upgrades with less danger of broken devices at the end.

Obviously some policy would be needed so that ${RELEASE_NO}-${PV} is
guaranteed to load on all kernel-image-${PV} kernels.

Anyway I thought I would expose this to the wider audience for more
comments than just openmoko lists. I know this is suitable for all
devices so Id like opinions.


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