[oe] list of packages from .dot

Tobias Pflug tobias.pflug at gmx.net
Sat Oct 27 11:12:50 UTC 2007


maybe there is some other, more elegant way but in order to obtain
all packages that will be installed for a given image I use the
following little sequence of bash fiddling on a .dot file generated
by `bitbake -g`. Maybe someone else finds it useful or wants to tell
me what a fool I am because there is a much easier way to do this :)

# argument $1 = <dot file>

cat $1 | grep -v "label\|digraph\|\}\|virtual" | sed 's/^
\"\([[:alnum:]\.+\-]\+\)\"\ ->\ \"\ \?\([[:alnum:]\.\+\ \?-]\+\)\"\(\
\[style=.*]\)\?$/\1 \2/' | sed 's/\ /\n/g' | sort | uniq

remove the "\|virtual" part if you want virtual packages listed.
as well.


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