[oe] rrdtool: fixup in EXTRA_OECONF to get past error in do_configure. add do_stage. Closes 2524.

Koen Kooi k.kooi at student.utwente.nl
Sun Aug 3 08:05:50 UTC 2008


I just noticed a commit doing this:

-EXTRA_OECONF = "--enable-shared --enable-local-libpng 
--enable-local-zlib --program-prefix=''"
+EXTRA_OECONF = "rd_cv_ieee_works=yes --enable-shared 
--enable-local-libpng --enable-local-zlib --program-prefix=''"

Please don't specify such information on the commandline, it belongs 
into the site files.

If you are sure it's generic, put it in site/common like this:


I'f you aren't sure if it applies to both linux and uclinux, put it in 
common-linux or common-uclinux or even in <arch>-common.

If we put it in the site files we don't have to reinvent the wheel 
everytime a package tests for rd_cv_ieee_works.



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