[oe] bitbake world

Rolf Leggewie no2spam at nospam.arcornews.de
Fri Aug 22 22:45:30 UTC 2008


as I wrote here previously, I am trying my luck with "bitbake world". 
And boy-oh-boy, I must have been the first to do so since 2006. 
Anyways, pb was kind enough to help me with one stubborn circular 
dependency in udhcp and so I could move on.  Today was the first day 
after locally dropping recipes left and right that "bitbake world" 
actually got to the compile stage.  Before, it would always abort, 
because the dependency tree was unresolvable.  It was suggested in IRC 
that I sent the list of stuff I had to temporarily drop to oe-devel.  It 
has about 200 entries.  So, here it is (I hope the attachment makes it 
through).  I'll keep the list at http://oss.leggewie.org/wip/dropped.txt 
current.  My compile tests were for qemuarm/.dev/spitz.


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