[oe] Building minimal-image with kernel24

Joshua Lamorie jpl at xiphos.ca
Wed Dec 10 21:40:43 UTC 2008

Gidday there,

I'm trying to move my development system from buildroot to

My embedded platform is based on a Virtex-II Pro/Virtex-4 PPC405 and for
various reasons is stuck in linux 2.4.  I've used the xilinx-ml430
machine as an example, and the minimal distro and modified
PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel to refer to a .bb file that I've made
for my 2.4 kernel.

However, when I go to bitbake minimal-image, it keeps trying to build
kernel 2.6.

Are there examples of machines/distros that use 2.4?  How can I tell
where the currently building package was commanded from?  I've tried to
add more debugging, but is there a log somewhere which is insanely

Is there a way to build a simple image without the kernel?

Part of the output when I run 'bitbake -v minimal-image' is the

NOTE: checking PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel
NOTE: checking PREFERRED_PROVIDER_linux-rt-2.6.24
NOTE: checking PREFERRED_PROVIDER_linux-rt-2.6.24-r6
NOTE: multiple providers are available for runtime kernel-image (linux,
gumstix-kernel, linux-rt);
NOTE: consider defining a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match runtime

What does this mean define a PREFERRED_PROVIDER entry to match 'runtime
kernel-image'?  What is the 'runtime kernel-image'?

When I run this interactively, (with build minimal-image) and I ask to
display some variables, I get the following:

BB>> getvar PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel

That is the kernel that I want.

So, why does it do so much checking?  Where can I see some debug output that says, here
are all the packages I'm going to build?

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


p.s. Where is it possible to contribute to the OE manual?

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