[oe] Stuck with AVR32 segfaults in init

Robert Wörle robert at linuxdevelopment.de
Wed Mar 12 06:13:56 UTC 2008

> If you take an OE binary and run it within a working filesystem from
> whereever, what happens? If it segfaults there you may be able to debug
> it. If it doesn't, try copying libs from OE into that system until it
> breaks? That should at least tell you where the problem is.

Dear all
I was starting a oe build the day koen announced the merge and it went
with some obstacles and finished the major libs nicely but i cant tell
what i had to do to get past the uclibc parts.

I did then get a 0.9.28 based libs and apps which i now merge with a
atmel bsp kernel and uClibc.
So i can now run all oe libs ( beside uClibc) with that and it feels
wonderful. I am currently running the ngw100 with a 5.7 lcd attached and
can get up a Xfbdev + gtk+ + x11vnc within the nand and nor ( totale of
16 mb)  Hurray the power if footprinting of oe !!

But i am also stuck now redoing this and rebuilding a new oe toolchain
for avr32 . I cant get pass the external-toolchain ERROR mentioned in
some earlier mails.
I tried both oe uclibc 0.9.28 and 0.9.29
So i now have one tool chain up and running and i can go on to develop
my target application but nobody is allowed to touch my laptop with that
toolchain or he dies !!

Maybe we need some of the guru`s here to help us poor avr32 small users
to get the basic oe toolchain up and running and stable at least for the
ucLibc part.


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