[oe] staging ABI changes and broken idium

Holger Freyther zecke at selfish.org
Wed Mar 12 07:27:28 UTC 2008

I was a bit stupid and fought with this issue:

do_compile_prepend() {
	sed -i s,/usr/include,${STAGING_INCDIR},g Makefile

What is wrong with this? STAGING_INCDIR is now ending with /usr/include. I 
have grepped through our bb files and searched for this and found quite some 
files doing this.

How to tackle this issue:
	a) Fix the autotools/Makefile.am to not have $(includedir) there
	b) change the sed to be 'absolute' -I/usr/include

This is the command I use to search for it (many places are correct):
	find . -name '*.bb' -exec grep -H "sed " {} \; | grep "/usr/include"

A helping hand fixing these would be appreciated. Something like this might 
exist for other dirs (e.g. libdir) as well and need further checking.


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