[oe] Git versus Hg

Tom Rini trini at kernel.crashing.org
Thu Mar 13 20:03:47 UTC 2008

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 04:41:32PM +0100, Koen Kooi wrote:
> Cliff Brake schreef:
> | I still maintain that that tools do impact developer workflow, and
> | this should be a serious consideration when selecting tools.  What is
> | the workflow that will maximize the productivity and output of the OE
> | community?  The tool selection should follow.
> Having been through the bk->mtn switchover and the re-evaluation I
> noticed that people who said "I will start contributing (much more) to
> OE if you weren't using bitkeeper" didn't actually start contributing
> *at all*, so I'm extremely sceptical of the promised influx of a
> gazillion ISVs, OEMs, ODMs and users with a switch to hg/git/vss.

As someone who (a) doesn't use / know mtn and (b) should submit more, or
at least quicker, our changes, I can say you're right here.  I've been
quite happy to grab current, whip out quilt, patch, file bugzilla &
attach.  Now, if OE switches to git, I might make drop quilt in favor of
git patch (since I still need to get better git-fu under my belt), and
probably the same with hg.  But it won't impact how much / often I
contribute at all.

Tom Rini

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