[oe] WPkg

Silvano Catinella catinella at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 19 15:33:14 UTC 2008


I am writing a new concept package manager, it is born just for my softwares
but perhaps it would be interesting for embedded linux distro. I hope ;-)

Many persons told me: why a new software package manager?? there are already

I had necessity to install a software with many platform dependent components
and some independent one. So because I would not many packages the available
package managers where inadequate. The problem is the same if the software I
want install is composed by a core and many GUI library dependent (eg. GTK, QT,
Motif..), or is the same if I have many different pointer devices (eg. mouse,
pen, joystik..).

In order to have a general solution that allows me to install a software in a
non perfectly defined system I started to write WPkg.

This is basically a framework, the developper can write new plugins to perform
new actions or tests, and inside the package's configuration file he can use
them. The plugins are generic ones and he or others can use them in other

My first releases was in C/Tcl. The C component was a small xml-database. 
A database is necessary because the plugins can modify the configuration data,
that is read by another plugin... and so on. I have not used one of the many
fast available xml-db because I want a very small and light code.

Now, I am rewriting this component in C/C++, and when I will produce a beta
release I will start to integrate it with the other project parts (C++/C/Tcl).
I will also begin to write a parallel version of Tcl components, but they will
be written in C++, so I will obtain a pure C/C++ code too.

I would ask you if my project could be useful for you.

Thank you for your time.

Best regards

Silvano Catinella
catinella at yahoo.com

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