[oe] SCM scorecards

Graeme Gregory dp at xora.org.uk
Thu Mar 27 01:01:20 UTC 2008

Michael 'Mick
>> Ease of Serving Git 1 Monotone 5
> That bad?
Well git supports no serving natively, so you have to decide which
tool you use. And if you want write access then decide infrastrucure
stuff. Compared to mtn serve thats quite complex.
>> Ease of Distributed SCM Git 2 Monotone 5
> Can you expand?
Yes, mtn is designed to have many repos which are mirrors. From my
looks at git it is designed to always end up with one central repo.

The methods of syncing two git trees seem to be hacks or alter
data. master becomes origin/master for example.

And because you always have to pull before push, people cant
use upstreams in parrallel and the tool just works.

I might have missed a trick with git but that is my impression.

> Additionally I want to add:
> * 3rd party acceptance Git 5 Monotone 1
This is a valid point.


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