[oe] Does your own system matter

Holger Schurig hs4233 at mail.mn-solutions.de
Wed Apr 1 14:09:51 UTC 2009

> > I am using Ubuntu 8.10 (x86) and Debian squeeze (amd64) for
> > OE development. Works like a charm.
> That sounds reassuring. Are you building uclibc at all? Also,
> does it matter what versions of gcc and g++ packages you have
> installed locally?

I'm building uclibc-based devices (AVR32 and ARMv5TEJ) on Debian 
Etch (Office) and Debian Unstable (home).

The frozen one uses uclibc 0.9.28, the other currently

However, my devices aren't general usable PDA-like devices, so I 
use a very selected set of packages (lots hand-craftet BBFILES 
+= ..., this also gives nice bitbake-parse times). And I'm not 
using Angstrom as distribution, but have something different 
(e.g. centered around unionfs/aufs to minimize flash-wearout).

One device uses a frozen org.openembedded.dev version and is VERY 
tiny, just 33 *.bb files, the other device is currently on the 
development branch of OpenEmbedded, as development for that 
device hasn't yet finished.

As a side note, I don't build all -native packages and instead 
have this in my config:

ASSUME_PROVIDED += "bison-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "fakeroot-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "file-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "flex-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "gettext-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "git-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "m4-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "ncurses-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "openssl-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "pax-utils-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "qmake-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "quilt-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "readline-native"
ASSUME_PROVIDED += "zlib-native"

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