[oe] libgtkstylus: working on new version

Stanislav Brabec utx at penguin.cz
Sun Aug 9 10:09:17 UTC 2009

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer wrote:
> Wow, that's pretty good news.
> The thing that always put me off of using libgtkstylus was that it introduces 
> additional delay for single (left) keypresses -- is that fixed with your 
> version?

Could you tell me, which applications are affected by this problem?

I am not aware of any delay of a single left keypress, even in version
0.3. Looking at the code, they are sent directly to the application
without any delay and start right press emulation timer.

The delays I experience (e. g. in multi-tab browsing in midori) seems to
have nothing with gtkstylus, but it is a simple consequence of slow CPU.

Well, rc4 still has problems in these situations - timer seems to have
highest priority, then midori callbacks, then next event processing.
Even if you release stylus after <500ms, release event is processed
later than 500ms after press, timer expires, right press is emulated.
Fix would need deeper study of the main loop priorities.

Another delays are I experienced are caused by motion hint processing
bug GTK+ and many applications:
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=587714 (and dependent bugs)

As it needs to be re-implemented, I just prepared work-arounds in some
applications: gqview (committed), viking (in their tracker).

Stanislav Brabec

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