[oe] Problem with baking GStreamer Plugins

Ali Botorabi g.development at gmx.net
Wed Feb 11 10:51:04 UTC 2009


I am trying to include some of the GStreamer plugins into an own image. The image bases on angstrom base and X11 images. Koen helped me to setup a task for the GStreamer plugins:

PR = "r1.4"

#PREFERRED_PROVIDER_gst-plugin-alsa ?= "gst-plugins-good"

DEPENDS = "gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly libogg libvorbis directfb"
        libid3tag \
        libsidplay \
        libvorbis \
        libogg \
        directfb \
        alsa-lib \
        gstreamer \
        gst-plugin-alsa \
        gst-plugin-icydemux \
        gst-plugin-asfdemux \
        gst-plugin-dvdlpcmdec \
        gst-plugin-mpegstream \
        gst-plugin-realmedia \

inherit task

This task is included by the image recipe. Bitbake evaluates the task and complains about various packages providing the plugins (base, good, ugly, bad). I have also tried to use PREFERRED_PROVIDER, it had no effect.

The major problem is that the plugins do not end in the image.

Any help is highly appreciated.


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