[oe] libxcb fails compiling

G. Eismann g.eismann at gmx.net
Sun May 17 15:21:47 UTC 2009

The error:

ln -s -f /usr/share/xcb/xproto.xml xproto.xml                                                                                               
/usr/bin/xsltproc --stringparam mode source \                                                                                                                 
--stringparam base-path /usr/share/xcb/ \                                                                                                   
--stringparam extension-path /usr/share/xcb/ \                                                                                              
-o xproto.c ./c-client.xsl xproto.xml                                                                                     
warning: failed to load external entity "xproto.xml"                                                                                       
 unable to parse xproto.xml 

Is trying to make a link to a file that doesn't exist.
I have installed xcb-proto in my machine, and it works now, but I guess that 
is not the right way to fix the problem.

  - Eismann -

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