[oe] cortex-a9 machine build failure at gcc

Phil Blundell philb at gnu.org
Thu Nov 26 12:59:58 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-11-26 at 11:23 +0530, RK Raggit wrote:
> OE is trying to make a link but the directory is missing. Any ideas ? My
> binutils was built fine with version

Yes, that is a bit odd.  This seems to be specific to the CSL toolchain:
it has an extra block that isn't present in the regular gcc.

# staging-linkage and cross-linkage recipes don't work anymore, so do it by hand for this backwards CSL toolchain
do_compile_prepend() {
	ln -sf ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${target_libdir}/crt*.o ${CROSS_DIR}/${TARGET_SYS}/lib/
	ln -sf ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}${target_libdir}/ld-* ${CROSS_DIR}/${TARGET_SYS}/lib/
	ln -sf ${STAGING_DIR_TARGET}/lib/libc* ${CROSS_DIR}/${TARGET_SYS}/lib/ 
	sed -i -e 's:gcc_no_link=yes:gcc_no_link=no:' ${S}/libstdc++-v3/configure

I'm not exactly sure what this is all about, but I suspect that this
should probably be getting applied only for the real gcc-cross, not for
the -initial version.  You could try building a different version of
gcc-cross-initial and see if you are then able to compile the CSL
toolchain as gcc-cross.  Alternatively, adding a strategic "mkdir"
command in the function above might clear it up as well.


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