[oe] [RFC] [PATCH] utils.bbclass: simplify checksum check, prepare for checksums.ini removal

Martin Jansa martin.jansa at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 13:40:47 UTC 2010

* only RFC, because it needs more testing and bb.note for every checksum
  only in checksums.ini is maybe too much (but I'm ready to move all
  checksums in some semi-automated way).
  for insane people should be enough, when the later is enabled, don't
  raise Exception even for missing md5sum/oe_sha256sum command or
  different checksums
* show note, when there are checksums only in checksums.ini (prepare for
  script for moving all to recipes)
* parse checksums.ini only when there is no checksum in recipe (could be
  faster, but for more checked items in SRC_URI it is parsed repeatedly)
* if one checksum doesn't match then count and show both (md5 as well as
  sha256) - usefull for copy&paste checksums for new recipe.

Signed-off-by: Martin Jansa <Martin.Jansa at gmail.com>
 classes/base.bbclass  |   20 +-----
 classes/utils.bbclass |  189 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 2 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 123 deletions(-)

diff --git a/classes/base.bbclass b/classes/base.bbclass
index e865738..28cd4a6 100644
--- a/classes/base.bbclass
+++ b/classes/base.bbclass
@@ -112,24 +112,6 @@ python base_do_fetch() {
 		raise bb.build.FuncFailed("Unknown fetch Error: %s" % value)
-	# Verify the SHA and MD5 sums we have in OE and check what do
-	# in
-	checksum_paths = bb.data.getVar('BBPATH', d, True).split(":")
-	# reverse the list to give precedence to directories that
-	# appear first in BBPATH
-	checksum_paths.reverse()
-	checksum_files = ["%s/conf/checksums.ini" % path for path in checksum_paths]
-	try:
-		parser = base_chk_load_parser(checksum_files)
-	except ValueError:
-		bb.note("No conf/checksums.ini found, not checking checksums")
-		return
-	except:
-		bb.note("Creating the CheckSum parser failed: %s:%s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
-		return
 	pv = bb.data.getVar('PV', d, True)
 	pn = bb.data.getVar('PN', d, True)
@@ -146,7 +128,7 @@ python base_do_fetch() {
 				if not "name" in params and first_uri:
 					first_uri = False
 					params["name"] = ""
-				if not (base_chk_file_vars(parser, localpath, params, d) or base_chk_file(parser, pn, pv,uri, localpath, d)):
+				if not base_chk_file(pn, pv, uri, localpath, params, d):
 					if not bb.data.getVar("OE_ALLOW_INSECURE_DOWNLOADS", d, True):
 						bb.fatal("%s-%s: %s has no checksum defined, cannot check archive integrity" % (pn,pv,uri))
diff --git a/classes/utils.bbclass b/classes/utils.bbclass
index 6ff11dd..4b97eca 100644
--- a/classes/utils.bbclass
+++ b/classes/utils.bbclass
@@ -84,106 +84,34 @@ def base_chk_load_parser(config_paths):
     return parser
-def base_chk_file_vars(parser, localpath, params, data):
-    try:
-        name = params["name"]
-    except KeyError:
-        return False
-    if name:
-        md5flag = "%s.md5sum" % name
-        sha256flag = "%s.sha256sum" % name
-    else:
-        md5flag = "md5sum"
-        sha256flag = "sha256sum"
-    want_md5sum = bb.data.getVarFlag("SRC_URI", md5flag, data)
-    want_sha256sum = bb.data.getVarFlag("SRC_URI", sha256flag, data)
-    if (want_sha256sum == None and want_md5sum == None):
-        # no checksums to check, nothing to do
-        return False
+def base_chk_file_checksum(localpath, expected_md5sum, expected_sha256sum, data):
+    strict_checking =  bb.data.getVar("OE_ALLOW_INSECURE_DOWNLOADS", data, True)
     if not os.path.exists(localpath):
         localpath = base_path_out(localpath, data)
         bb.note("The localpath does not exist '%s'" % localpath)
         raise Exception("The path does not exist '%s'" % localpath)
-    if want_md5sum:
-        try:
-	    md5pipe = os.popen('PATH=%s md5sum "%s"' % (bb.data.getVar('PATH', data, True), localpath))
-            md5data = (md5pipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
-            md5pipe.close()
-        except OSError, e:
-            raise Exception("Executing md5sum failed")
-        if want_md5sum != md5data:
-            bb.note("The MD5Sums did not match. Wanted: '%s' and Got: '%s'" % (want_md5sum, md5data))
-            raise Exception("MD5 Sums do not match. Wanted: '%s' Got: '%s'" % (want_md5sum, md5data))
-    if want_sha256sum:
-        try:
-            shapipe = os.popen('PATH=%s oe_sha256sum "%s"' % (bb.data.getVar('PATH', data, True), localpath))
-            sha256data = (shapipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
-            shapipe.close()
-        except OSError, e:
-            raise Exception("Executing shasum failed")
-        if want_sha256sum != sha256data:
-            bb.note("The SHA256Sums did not match. Wanted: '%s' and Got: '%s'" % (want_sha256sum, sha256data))
-            raise Exception("SHA256 Sums do not match. Wanted: '%s' Got: '%s'" % (want_sha256sum, sha256data))
-    return True
-def base_chk_file(parser, pn, pv, src_uri, localpath, data):
-    no_checksum = False
-    # Try PN-PV-SRC_URI first and then try PN-SRC_URI
-    # we rely on the get method to create errors
-    pn_pv_src = "%s-%s-%s" % (pn,pv,src_uri)
-    pn_src    = "%s-%s" % (pn,src_uri)
-    if parser.has_section(pn_pv_src):
-        md5    = parser.get(pn_pv_src, "md5")
-        sha256 = parser.get(pn_pv_src, "sha256")
-    elif parser.has_section(pn_src):
-        md5    = parser.get(pn_src, "md5")
-        sha256 = parser.get(pn_src, "sha256")
-    elif parser.has_section(src_uri):
-        md5    = parser.get(src_uri, "md5")
-        sha256 = parser.get(src_uri, "sha256")
-    else:
-        no_checksum = True
-    # md5 and sha256 should be valid now
-    if not os.path.exists(localpath):
-        localpath = base_path_out(localpath, data)
-        bb.note("The localpath does not exist '%s'" % localpath)
-        raise Exception("The path does not exist '%s'" % localpath)
-    # call md5(sum) and shasum
-	md5pipe = os.popen('PATH=%s md5sum "%s"' % (bb.data.getVar('PATH', data, True), localpath))
+        md5pipe = os.popen('PATH=%s md5sum "%s"' % (bb.data.getVar('PATH', data, True), localpath))
         md5data = (md5pipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
-    except OSError:
-        raise Exception("Executing md5sum failed")
+    except OSError, e:
+        if strict_checking:
+            raise Exception("Executing md5sum failed")
+        else:
+            bb.note("Executing md5sum failed")
         shapipe = os.popen('PATH=%s oe_sha256sum "%s"' % (bb.data.getVar('PATH', data, True), localpath))
-        shadata = (shapipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
+        sha256data = (shapipe.readline().split() or [ "" ])[0]
-    except OSError:
-        raise Exception("Executing shasum failed")
-    if no_checksum == True:	# we do not have conf/checksums.ini entry
-        try:
-            file = open("%s/checksums.ini" % bb.data.getVar("TMPDIR", data, 1), "a")
-        except:
-            return False
-        if not file:
-            raise Exception("Creating checksums.ini failed")
-        file.write("[%s]\nmd5=%s\nsha256=%s\n\n" % (src_uri, md5data, shadata))
-        file.close()
+    except OSError, e:
+        if strict_checking:
+            raise Exception("Executing shasum failed")
+        else:
+            bb.note("Executing shasum failed")
+    if (expected_md5sum == None or expected_md5sum == None):
         from string import maketrans
         trtable = maketrans("", "")
         uname = src_uri.split("/")[-1].translate(trtable, "-+._")
@@ -196,29 +124,82 @@ def base_chk_file(parser, pn, pv, src_uri, localpath, data):
         if not ufile:
             raise Exception("Creating %s.sum failed" % uname)
-        ufile.write("SRC_URI = \"%s;name=%s\"\nSRC_URI[%s.md5sum] = \"%s\"\nSRC_URI[%s.sha256sum] = \"%s\"\n" % (src_uri, uname, uname, md5data, uname, shadata))
+        ufile.wrote("SRC_URI = \"%s;name=archive\"\nSRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = \"%s\"\nSRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = \"%s\"\n" % (src_uri, md5data, sha256data))
+        bb.note("This package has no checksums, please add to recipe")
+        bb.note("SRC_URI = \"%s;name=archive\"\nSRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = \"%s\"\nSRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = \"%s\"\n" % (src_uri, md5data, sha256data))
-        if not bb.data.getVar("OE_STRICT_CHECKSUMS",data, True):
-            bb.note("This package has no entry in checksums.ini, please add one")
-            bb.note("\n[%s]\nmd5=%s\nsha256=%s" % (src_uri, md5data, shadata))
-            bb.note("This package has no checksums in corresponding recipe, please add")
-            bb.note("SRC_URI = \"%s;name=%s\"\nSRC_URI[%s.md5sum] = \"%s\"\nSRC_URI[%s.sha256sum] = \"%s\"\n" % (src_uri, uname, uname, md5data, uname, shadata))
-            return True
-        else:
-            bb.note("Missing checksum")
-            return False
-    if not md5 == md5data:
-        bb.note("The MD5Sums did not match. Wanted: '%s' and Got: '%s'" % (md5,md5data))
-        raise Exception("MD5 Sums do not match. Wanted: '%s' Got: '%s'" % (md5, md5data))
+        # fail for strict, continue for disabled strict checksums
+        return not strict_checking
-    if not sha256 == shadata:
-        bb.note("The SHA256 Sums do not match. Wanted: '%s' Got: '%s'" % (sha256,shadata))
-        raise Exception("SHA256 Sums do not match. Wanted: '%s' Got: '%s'" % (sha256, shadata))
+    if (expected_md5sum and expected_md5sum != md5data) or (expected_sha256sum and expected_sha256sum != sha256data):
+        bb.note("The checksums did not match.\nExpected MD5: '%s' and Got: '%s'\nExpected SHA256: '%s' and Got: '%s'" % (expected_md5sum, md5data, expected_sha256sum, sha256data))
+        bb.note("SRC_URI = \"%s;name=archive\"\nSRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = \"%s\"\nSRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = \"%s\"\n" % (src_uri, expected_md5sum, expected_sha256sum))
+	return False
     return True
+def base_get_checksums(pn, pv, src_uri, localpath, params, data):
+    # Try checksum from recipe and then parse checksums.ini 
+    # and try PN-PV-SRC_URI first and then try PN-SRC_URI
+    # we rely on the get method to create errors
+    try:
+        name = params["name"]
+    except KeyError:
+        return False
+    if name:
+        md5flag = "%s.md5sum" % name
+        sha256flag = "%s.sha256sum" % name
+    else:
+        md5flag = "md5sum"
+        sha256flag = "sha256sum"
+    expected_md5sum = bb.data.getVarFlag("SRC_URI", md5flag, data)
+    expected_sha256sum = bb.data.getVarFlag("SRC_URI", sha256flag, data)
+    if (expected_md5sum and expected_sha256sum):
+        return (expected_md5sum,expected_sha256sum)
+    else:
+        # missing checksum, parse checksums.ini
+        # Verify the SHA and MD5 sums we have in OE and check what do
+        # in
+        checksum_paths = bb.data.getVar('BBPATH', data, True).split(":")
+        # reverse the list to give precedence to directories that
+        # appear first in BBPATH
+        checksum_paths.reverse()
+        checksum_files = ["%s/conf/checksums.ini" % path for path in checksum_paths]
+        try:
+            parser = base_chk_load_parser(checksum_files)
+        except ValueError:
+            bb.note("No conf/checksums.ini found, not checking checksums")
+            return (None,None)
+        except:
+            bb.note("Creating the CheckSum parser failed: %s:%s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
+            return (None,None)
+        pn_pv_src = "%s-%s-%s" % (pn,pv,src_uri)
+        pn_src    = "%s-%s" % (pn,src_uri)
+        if parser.has_section(pn_pv_src):
+            expected_md5sum    = parser.get(pn_pv_src, "md5")
+            expected_sha256sum = parser.get(pn_pv_src, "sha256")
+        elif parser.has_section(pn_src):
+            expected_md5sum    = parser.get(pn_src, "md5")
+            expected_sha256sum = parser.get(pn_src, "sha256")
+        elif parser.has_section(src_uri):
+            expected_md5sum    = parser.get(src_uri, "md5")
+            expected_sha256sum = parser.get(src_uri, "sha256")
+        else:
+            return (None,None)
+        bb.note("This package has no checksums in corresponding recipe, please consider moving its checksums from checksums.ini file \
+            \nSRC_URI = \"%s;name=archive\"\nSRC_URI[archive.md5sum] = \"%s\"\nSRC_URI[archive.sha256sum] = \"%s\"\n" % (src_uri, expected_md5sum, expected_sha256sum))
+        return (expected_md5sum, expected_sha256sum)
+def base_chk_file(pn, pv, src_uri, localpath, params, data):
+    (expected_md5sum, expected_sha256sum) = base_get_checksums(pn, pv, src_uri, localpath, params, data)
+    return base_chk_file_checksum(localpath, expected_md5sum, expected_sha256sum, data)
 def base_read_file(filename):
 		f = file( filename, "r" )

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